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Making Progress - Flowing Money Into the Land

We are getting closer to having the $150,000 that will be needed to purchase the land Las Ruinas where we are working to establish our regenerative school in Barichara. Penny and I have already donated $60,000 of our own money and plan to add $12,000 more in January. We have also received about $28,000 from a recent Gitcoin round and have had another $10,000 come in as direct donations to our US nonprofit.

This means we have $110,00 of the $150,000 that is needed -- ONLY $40,000 TO GO!

As we enter the holiday season, you might be considering what you want to support that is happening in the world. Please consider helping us get closer to our goal. Every donation counts.

In January, we will begin a community process of collective dreaming about how this land wants to become a holistic regenerative learning center, the future home of our Waldorf-inspired school Sueños del Bosque, and a permanent presence in Bioparque Móncora. We can feel the weaving of many regenerative processes in the community as this all comes together.

Right now, our focus is on completing the purchase of the land -- which will be donated into our Colombian non-profit Tierra Sagrada. Through the community dreaming process, we will clarify how to build a regenerative campus with a layout of natural buildings and what kinds of resources will be needed. Our initial estimate is that it will require an additional $50,000 or perhaps a little more. That number will vary as we get into the collaborative work that includes others in Barichara.

Meanwhile, we have already secured another $75,000 separately to fund Sueños del Bosque in 2025. Part of those funds will go into a regenerative entrepreneurship program with other local initiatives led by Suna Barichara and Casa Comun. We truly are weaving a regenerative education ecosystem here in the Northern Andes.

Will you donate to help us purchase this land? Thank you for any help you can give.

Onward, fellow humans!

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